Our energy always responds to our thoughts and emotions; they are interlinked. This direct link could make us feel energized or drained. Often, we mistakenly see this as physical exhaustion.
In my class for beginners, I often conduct this experiment. I have two boxes with equal weight inside them. I invite one person to volunteer and ask him to remember some happy times, to think about loved ones or best friends who are always ready to help you. Then I ask to pick up one box and guestimate its weight. After the volunteer puts the box back, I ask him to think about times when he was disappointed, about recent negative interactions, and times when he needed help but never received it. Then I ask him to pick another box and ask which was heavier. The second box is almost always heavier. I use this to illustrate how our thoughts and emotions affect our energy and strength.
We may feel emotionally (energetically) drained when we leave our emotions unresolved. I will not focus on issues that drain our energy but rather on the sources of energy that are available to us. It is possible to learn how to maintain, restore, or recharge our energy. Mira Kirshenbaum wrote: "Unlike physical energy, which runs down as we get older, emotional energy can increase the more you learn what works best for you.” The better we know ourselves, the easier is to preserve or increase this energy. Knowing yourself and your needs makes self-care easy. Self-care helps maintain good energy levels and boost resilience in stressful situations.
Researchers at the HeartMath Institute found a correlation between our heart's electromagnetic field and our emotions. Our emotions affect our electromagnetic field, aura, and energy. Feelings of gratitude, joy, love, or compassion harmonize heart-brain connections, increase our energy, and amplify our aura. The Best part is that we always have access to a renewable energy resource.
There are four things we can to increase our energy level.
#1. Have Me Time.
Every day, put aside time for yourself. It could be three hours or thirty minutes. This is the time for you to do things that bring you joy. Anything: reading, singing, dancing, or spending quiet time in nature. You deserve this, and your body needs it.
#2. Choose your People.
Surround yourself with people who support and lift you up. Be with people who light up your day. You don’t need to hate or altogether avoid toxic people; only limit the time you spend with them. Remember happiness like misery will rob off.
#3. Be Comfortable to Say “Yes” and “No”.
Trust your inner wisdom and your intuition. If it does not feel right, don’t do it. Your inner peace is the foundation of your mental and physical health.
#4. Embrace Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of observing situations or emotions with curiosity and without judgment. Observing without judgment means without labelling like “good” or “bad” it purely “is.” Situations will change, and our emotions will come and go; nothing will be permanent in life. We must learn to observe without attachment and find beauty in every moment because it will never repeat.
It is a conscious decision what energy we decide to absorb and what energy share with the world. It is a very empowering realization. We are in control, not the people around us, not the environment or situation we find ourselves in. Jim Loehr wrote: “The more we take responsibility for the energy we bring to the world, the more empowered and productive we become.” Understanding this power helps us be more self-aware, to live more authentic life, and contribute to the greater collective harmony.
With love, Roman 1. 1. 2025