About Roman Vaynshtok

My Story
I’ve been a Reiki master, teacher, and practitioner since 2006. My interest in natural and holistic healing goes back to the early 90s when I worked as a Special Ed interventionist. I learned different healing modalities to help my students with their daily physical and emotional struggles.
I established Peace and Balance Reiki Center in 2017 in Ohio, USA, where I taught Reiki and saw clients. Now, I practice in Almada, Portugal. I provide in-person Reiki sessions in clinics and private homes for clients with limited mobility or remotely by phone or Zoom.
I summarized my years of study, practicing, and teaching Reiki in my book Reiki: Energy of Love. A Practical Guide and Tips.
My Work
My main focus is cancer patients, people with chronic pain, and the terminally ill.
I am available to provide services in medical facilities or corporate settings. I would love to be part of your spiritual or health retreat.
I implement Therapeutic Touch, Brain Gym, Breath Work, EFT, Meditation, Usui Reiki Ryoho, and Usui Holy Fire II Reiki, as well as other modalities and techniques. Even now, I continue to learn new techniques and improve my craft.
Reiki has become a big part of my life, and I hope it also becomes a part of your life.