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Reiki, Mindset, and Self-Healing


Updated: Feb 15, 2022

Reiki, like any energy therapy, can be your partner in the healing process or only provide temporary relief. The result of the session depends on the mindset of the recipient. Full healing or recovery begins when the recipient takes full ownership of their health and takes charge. This is the main difference between going to a doctor and going to a holistic practitioner. When we go to the doctor’s office, we give full control to the doctor. “Give me medicine” and “make me feel better.” However, when we go to a holistic practitioner, we need a different mindset. “I’m responsible for my wellbeing, and I just need some guidance and support.” When I’m approached with a healing request, I always ask if the person is willing to participate in the healing process actively and to make changes. We are both partners in the healing process.

Let’s have a conversation about changing our mindset. Your wellbeing deserves it. I can improve or restore energy flow in the client’s body, but if he or she isn’t changing their mindset, the results will only be temporary.

Psychoneuroimmunology is a field that studies the effects that thoughts and feelings have on things like our health and immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology is helping us understand how biofield therapies combined with a positive mindset help restore our physical and emotional health. Studies on the effectiveness of Reiki confirm the psychotherapeutic effect on strengthening mind-body connections. Clients, together with experienced practitioners, not only dissolve energy blocks but work to form a healthy mindset. It allows us to better understand our own body and our body’s inner wisdom, changing our relationship with our surroundings, food, and nature.

Make the first step toward recovery - the first step to self-healing. During a Reiki session, some of us hear our body for the first time and are able to push the “pause” button. Our body is designed to heal itself. We need to pay more attention to our body’s needs. If we are determined to help ourselves, no one can stop us. Our body is perfectly designed to self-regulate and heal, but sometimes we need a little assistance.

Our minds cannot differentiate when our thoughts reflect reality (what actually happens to us) or illusions (movies, stories), which is why our bodies will have the same response. We need to train our minds to tell us a good story. For example, we can tell ourselves that washing dishes or vacuuming isn’t a dreadful chore, but a sort of exercise. Our body will react to this approach with measurable physiological changes. Our mindset can transform our challenges into the gift of opportunity, giving a positive boost to the body’s self-healing abilities. Our mindset will dictate how we treat ourselves during life’s ups and downs.

To keep this post short, I will have only one example of how our mindset can affect us. Let’s talk about stress. Stress is an excellent example of how mindsets can be self-fulfilling. It’s the reason why some people report working better under pressure while others fall apart. Stressful situations are part of everyday human life. Stress by itself can’t harm us; what harms us is our reaction to it. In 2012, the Board of Developmental Disabilities was closing schools for special needs kids in Greater Cleveland. This caused a lot of stress and anxiety among the employees. Employees who had sessions in which they are told how the stressful situation can help them rather than hurt them reported fewer anxiety symptoms and higher levels of optimism than the rest of the staff. We all believe that stress can be self-reinforcing. If someone thinks they perform better under pressure, the mindset sees the stress as a helpful assistant. Bruce H. Lipton said, “the moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” Learning and continuously applying positive stress responses is one of the best stress managing strategies. It is why it is so crucial for parents to explain to their kids experiencing stress or even failure that it is a natural part of life that helps us learn and grow stronger.

Your old mindset and old habits brought you to this point. If you continue on the same path, you will continue to have the same results. This is an awakening time. It is the time to listen to your inner voice and inner wisdom. It is time to re-evaluate your values and priorities, the world, and your place in it. For some of you, in the beginning this voice will be soft and quiet. But as you continue on the right path, this voice will become stronger. Your body will tell you all that you need to know. Developing the right mindset will empower you, help rediscover what makes you feel healthy, happy, and alive. Some professionals make a career out of studying the human body and mind and have the expertise; however, they can only give you information. They cannot deliver health and happiness to you. Life always provides you with choices and shows you the doors. But ultimately, the choice is yours alone to make. Your results are entirely your responsibility; they come from the choices you make based on your mindset. Only you can change your mindset moving forward, and I will be with you every step of the way.

A few helpful tips to create a better mindset.

1. Your Self-Talk is important.

How you talk to yourself will determine your day. If you wake up in the morning and smile to your reflection in the mirror, and tell yourself “I’m great and it will be a beautiful day,” trust me, your day will be good. Our expectation for the day predicts our day.

2. Figure out your “WHY.”

Even if you clearly know your “why” it takes work to change your mindset, it is not so easy to break old habits. You need discipline. Just being motivated is not enough. We’ve all had New Year’s resolutions and can remember how far they go. Start with baby steps.

3. Be comfortable with setbacks.

We all will have setbacks. Each setback it not the end of the game; it’s a time for adjustments. Give yourself permission to fail. It will take the pressure off and open door to learn from missteps, adjustments that will keep you moving forward.

To learn more about the psychological and physiological effects of your mindset, I recommend watching Dr. Alia Crum on TEDx or YouTube.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Disclosure: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. Always consult with a qualified health professional.

With Love and Light,


September 2020

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