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Reiki and Acceptance

Acceptance becomes an automatic response when we practice Reiki and embody its precepts. If you are kind to yourself and others (the fifth precept), how can you not accept another person? In the world of nonduality, there is no separateness. We can feel various emotions like anger or disappointment, but we understand they are only emotions: our reactions and our mind's interpretation. By fighting or resisting some emotions or situations, we emphasize them and give them space to grow. We create separateness that brings us into the world of duality. Creating a world where it is hard to find inner peace. In other words, we generate attachment to these emotions. When we embody Reiki precepts, we see other people's actions as representations of their own struggles, not much different from ours. There is no plot against us; we are all representatives of one humanity, deeply interconnected with each other. Our suffering and anger are caused by denying nonduality.     


We are attached to concepts created by our ego, I vs You or Us vs Them. This separateness creates competition, anger, resentment, and suffering. We form a reality where we need to fight for everything we want. This state of mind is not sustainable for our physical and mental health. It is why we can find wisdom and peace in indigenous teachings where there is no separateness between humans and humans; humans and the earth. This oneness empowers us to accept life with all its imperfections and constant changes.


Acceptance is not a New Age concept. This idea is found in Buddha's teachings from over 2,500 years ago. The second of "The Four Noble Truths" is that "desire is the root of all suffering." It is not about not having your dreams or goals – it is about accepting the truth that something is out of our control. Do not attach ourselves to desires to change something that we can’t control. Desiring something that, for the most part, is out of our control—is causing us more pain than accepting that, at least for now. Many relationships fall apart because we can’t accept other people as they are and try to change them. We attach ourselves to ideas and desires that create struggle, suffering, and anger. We can find teachings of acceptance not only in Eastern philosophies like Buddhism or Taoism but also in most Western. In my opinion, it is best represented in Stoicism. This philosophy's core is "to accept what we cannot control and focus on what we can."


There is a common misconception that accepting something means giving up. It is quite the opposite. It takes emotional maturity and strength to accept what you don't like. This acceptance allows you to respond to situations or relationships in a way that preserves your peace. In the case of relationships, when we accept a person's flaws, there is no need to fight. We need only decide whether we can live with these shortcomings or we need to walk away. Let me be clear: I am not talking about violent crimes, etc.  


Let me summarize what acceptance means and how to cultivate it:

  •       You don't need to like or support what you accept.

  •       It is understanding that difficult emotions are an inescapable part of life.

  •       Our abilities to accept become stronger with practice.

  •       Acceptance also can be applied to our appearance, reactions, past, emotions, etc. It doesn't mean a sign of approval; it removes anger and stigma. It creates opportunities for improvement.

We can move on or heal only after we can accept what happened. It is only possible when we let go of ideas about what should be and accept what is. Denying reality and clinging to our "alternative" reality only create pain and suffering. Another essential benefit of practicing acceptance is that it increases our resilience when we face difficulties. Please don't stress out if you have a problem with acceptance. It is a learning experience. Life will give you plenty of opportunities to practice this skill.   

With love,


January 1, 2024

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